Answering Your Top 10 Sleep Questions

Sleep is a cornerstone of our daily lives, impacting everything from our mood to our physical health. But with so many factors affecting our ability to rest well, it’s no wonder sleep can sometimes feel like a mystery. Here, we discuss some of the top questions about sleep, shedding light on common concerns and providing practical tips for achieving better rest. 1. How much sleep…

What to Expect at Your Sleep Study

A sleep study, also known as polysomnography, monitors your breathing, heart rate, body movements and brain waves while you sleep. This is performed in a specialized setting with a trained sleep technologist who is monitoring all of these aspects while ensuring your safety and comfort. Your doctor performs a thorough assessment of your sleep complaints and if they feel further testing is required, orders a sleep…

Jet Lag: What It Is and How to Beat It

Jet lag — it’s the unwelcome guest that often accompanies long-distance travel, leaving us feeling disoriented and fatigued. Whether you’re a frequent flyer or embarking on a once-in-a-lifetime journey, understanding how to mitigate jet lag’s effects is essential for a successful trip. Understanding jet lag Jet lag is a circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorder. It occurs when rapid travel across multiple time zones disrupts our internal body…

Navigating Sleep Changes During Pregnancy

Pregnancy affects many aspects of a woman’s body, including sleep. Hormonal fluctuations, physical transformations, and the inherent stresses of pregnancy can alter both the duration and quality of sleep. While most sleep disturbances are reversible post-delivery, some sleep changes may indicate underlying sleep disorders. Sleep changes by trimester During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes various changes that can disrupt sleep. In fact, according to one survey,…

Unlock the Secrets to Heart Health Through Better Sleep

In the quest for heart health, have you considered the role your sleep plays? The American Heart Association has, and that’s why it introduced the Cardiovascular Health & Sleep Initiative. This new campaign is shedding light on the connection between sleep and heart health. This initiative will help you understand the potential cardiovascular risks associated with sleep disorders. Obstructive sleep apnea and insomnia aren’t just restless night companions—they may…